Learning as we Grow

Being an Approachable Parent
May 12, 2008, 1:45 pm
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I was talking to another parent yesterday at church about how my third grade son was coming home from school and asking us some heavy questions related to the birds and the bees. My husband has skillfully answered his questions. We try and give him the answer to his question and no more at this point, though we’re realizing we need to go on at some point soon.


The other parent commented how it was good that our son was comfortable to come and ask us. I honestly had not thought of that, but I am so glad that he is.


I grew up in a Christian home and I always knew that I could go to my parents for help or advice, no matter what (and I dropped some bombs on them, believe me). So one of my goals, as a parent, has been to be approachable to my kids. I want them to know that they can come to my husband and I and ask our advice or what things mean, or talk about a problem they’re having.


I’m not quite sure what we did right but apparently, through God’s grace, we’re doing something right. Thinking back, we have always tried to talk to the kids. For instance, what did you learn in Sunday School becomes how they can apply it to their life. When they had issues with friends or each other we tried to do more then just discipline, we discussed as well (which should go hand in hand, there is middle ground between being a drill sergeant and your child’s best friend).


Hopefully we can continue this relationship with our son and our other two will feel comfortable as well.