Learning as we Grow

Moved by the Prayers of Children
May 8, 2008, 9:46 am
Filed under: children, christian, church, Family | Tags: , , ,

Our children’s program last night was amazing. Not because of the great craft or fun games or because we had record attendance but because of the prayers of our children!


We’ve been going through a missions unit with our Wednesday night kids. Each week we hear about another missionary or mission group and then, instead of a craft, the children do a service project for that group.


Last night we heard about a family who are in a church plant in the Middle East (the father is the pastor). The family had sent us pictures and a newsletter with personal stories. As we learned about the area, the family and their ministries, the kids took it all in (with the occasional small outburst as one looses attention and comes backJ)


At the end I asked if anyone wanted to pray for this family and the people they ministered to. I was ready for the same hand that is raised every week as the other children sit there silently. Instead, I was surprised to see the hand of one of our energetic kindergarten boys. He prayed sincerely for their needs. He prayed that God would give them money so they could have food.


After he said “Amen” I looked up and was prepared to dismiss them for their games and crafts time but there was a little four year old girl eagerly raising her hand and she wanted to pray, so we prayed again. Once again we heard a sincere prayer for their basic needs. Again when we were done another hand shot up! Usually I struggle to find volunteers. This time it was the hand of an eight year old boy who is generally soft spoken in a large group. He prayed again for their needs, for those there in prison (we had heard the story of how the youth there had raised money to have one man released and how the church is trying to get another woman released as well) then when he was done praying I looked up and his sister had her hand raised so she prayed as well.


I was just blown away by these kids, not just the ones who prayed out loud, the rest of our rather active group prayed along with them as well, and usually getting them to sit still and not disrupt is a challenge, having them pray four times was borderline miraculousJ!


What an amazing thing to be a part of. Our kids saw the needs of others and lifted them up to our Father. I was touched and challenged by a group of preschool and elementary children and I have to say it was one of the high lights of my career.